A live-action adaptation of Shinichi Fukuda's popular manga "My Dress-Up Darling" (Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru) is set to premiere in October. MBS announced the series on Friday, revealing that Riko Nagase, known for her roles in "Child of Kamiari Month" and the live-action adaptation of "Insomniacs After School," will star as Marin Kitagawa. Kōta Nomura, recognized from "My Girlfriend's Child" and "Perfect Propose," will play Wakana Gojō.
The series will air in MBS's Dramaism programming block, starting on October 8 at 24:59 (which corresponds to October 9 at 12:59 a.m.). It will also be broadcast on TBS.
Kōji Shintoku, who has directed live-action adaptations such as "Peach Girl" and "Honey Lemon Soda," will helm the series. Satoko Okazaki, known for her work on "Laughing Under the Clouds" and the live-action "Waiting for Spring," is writing the scripts. The production is being managed by Kyōdō Television.
"My Dress-Up Darling" is published in English by Square Enix Manga & Books. The story follows Wakana Gojō, a high school loner who dreams of becoming a doll artisan. His life takes an unexpected turn when Marin Kitagawa, a popular girl at school, discovers his sewing talent and pulls him into the world of cosplay.
The manga, which began in Square Enix's Young Gangan magazine in January 2018, has been highly successful. The 13th compiled volume was released on May 24, and the 11th volume was published in English on April 16. Currently, the manga is serialized monthly in its "Tenmei" (Mandate of Heaven) arc, which began on September 15, 2023.
The story also inspired a 12-episode anime that aired in January 2022, with a sequel currently in the works. Funimation and Crunchyroll streamed the anime with both English subtitles and dub.
Sources: MBS, Comic Natalie
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