Kyoto Animation has announced its production of CITY The Animation, a TV anime adaptation of Keiichi Arawi's CITY manga. This news was revealed during the studio's 2025 lineup livestream on Saturday. The anime, slated for a 2025 release, marks Kyoto Animation's first non-sequel project in six years.
The series will be directed by Taichi Ishidate, known for his work on Violet Evergarden and Beyond the Boundary.
The main cast includes:
CITY is set in a lively town filled with humor, love, and everyday surprises, where the residents' unpredictable lives make for an exciting journey.
The original manga was serialized in Kodansha's Morning from September 2016 to February 2021, concluding with 13 volumes. Vertical (now Kodansha USA) released the series in English, and it is also available on Kodansha's K MANGA service.
Keiichi Arawi is also known for his previous works Nichijou and Helvetica Standard, which inspired Kyoto Animation's Nichijou TV anime in 2011.
Source: Kyoto Animation 2025 New Work Announcement Livestream, Official website and twitter page
نحن نستخدم ملفات تعريف الارتباط لتخصيص المحتوى والإعلانات، وتوفير ميزات وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي، وتحليل حركة المرور على موقعنا. كما نشارك معلومات حول استخدامك لموقعنا مع شركائنا في وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي والإعلانات والتحليلات.