In 1991, the Japanese novel world was introduced to the horror story Ring by Koji Suzuki. The franchise, featuring films for both Japanese and U.S. markets, has amassed a global fanbase. A significant factor in its popularity is the enigmatic and tragic villain Sadako. The image of her crawling out of a television to claim her victims has become an iconic representation of modern horror. However, in a unique twist, Japanese fans have reimagined Sadako as a cute girl. This new version is now available as the Sadako Bishoujo Statue from Kotobukiya.
On July 9, Kotobukiya's X (formerly Twitter) account announced the Sadako Bishoujo Statue, sharing a presentation video and mentioning that pre-orders would begin soon after.
The figure commemorates the 15th anniversary of the Bishoujo figure line and includes an alternate horror face part available exclusively through the Kotobukiya online store. Sculpted by Shunya Yamashita, the figure features a face part where Sadako's eyes are visible, in addition to another face part where her hair covers her face.
The texture of the dress is amazing (it's made of clear material), and the pile of videotapes is super cool
By replacing the parts, you can also enjoy a version where the eyes peek out from between her hair, and I am truly impressed by the master craftsmanship of #山下しゅんや [Shunya Yamashita]!
The Kotobukiya TV YouTube channel released a short video on July 9, showcasing the Sadako Bishoujo Statue. The video, inspired by The Ring film series, starts with a cathode-ray TV playing a videotape and then reveals the Sadako figure appearing on the screen. This fun advertisement captures the essence of The Ring films and is not for the faint of heart.
The Sadako Bishoujo Statue is a 1/7 scale model figure, standing at 170 millimeters (about 6.7 inches) tall. The pre-painted figure is made with PVC (phthalate-free), ABS, Magnet, Iron, and PET. Priced at 19,800 yen with tax (about US$123), it is available for purchase through the Kotobukiya Shop regional portals.
Sources: Kotobukiya, Kotobukiya's X/Twitter account, Kotobukiya Online Shop's X/Twitter account, Sadako's X/Twitter account, Kotobukiya TV YouTube channel, Hachima Kikō
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