Games, Toys, Goods
Capsule Toys, Gachapon
New, unused
Shipping cost
Shipping included (seller pays)
Shipping method
Yu-Yu Mercari
Post office/convenience store pickup
Anonymous delivery
Shipping origin
Fukuoka prefecture
Shipping time
1-2 days
Bandai KISHI BOY Swing Mascot Gacha for sale.
・Rugby Boy Score 5 points for a try
・Spectator Boy Cheer on good plays!
・Volleyball Boy Libero is the key to defense!
・Judo Boy Don't run away!
・Wrestling Boy Win by fall
This is a complete set of all 5 types.
Will be shipped out of the capsule.
Mini book will also be included.
*As the inner bag is unopened, we cannot accept any claims regarding initial defects. Please contact the manufacturer directly.
Type of goods: Capsule toy machine
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