The official teaser website for the television anime adaptation of Makoto Kudo's manga My Awkward Senpai (Bukiyōna Senpai.) launched on Monday, announcing the series' 2025 debut. The website also unveiled a teaser visual, promotional video, main cast, and staff details.
Lynn will star as the voice of the protagonist, Azusa Kannawa, who is prominently featured in the teaser visual.
Image via My Awkward Senpai's teaser website
© Makoto Kudo/SQUARE ENIX ©工藤マコト/SQUARE ENIX・不器用な先輩。製作委員会
To celebrate the announcement, Makoto Kudo shared a special commemorative illustration:
Image via My Awkward Senpai's teaser website
© Makoto Kudo/SQUARE ENIX ©工藤マコト/SQUARE ENIX・不器用な先輩。製作委員会
Staff Details
Director: Ayumu Kotake (Acro Trip)
Series Scripts: Mio Inoue (Slow Start, Wonderful Precure!)
Character Designer: Kenrō Tokuda (Acro Trip Chief Animation Director)
Music Composer: Kōji Fujimoto
The anime will be produced by Studio Elle.
About the Manga
Comikey and Square Enix's Manga UP! Global service publish the manga digitally in English. Manga UP! describes the story as follows:
"Kannawa-senpai is considered many things, but smooth is definitely not one of them. Then she meets Kamegawa, her new Kouhai. He's cute, a little nerdy, and easy to talk to. How will this awkward Senpai be able to handle these new feelings?!"
Makoto Kudo originally posted the manga on X (formerly Twitter) in March 2019. It began serialization in Square Enix's Young Gangan magazine in December 2019. The manga's eighth compiled volume was released on August 23.
My Awkward Senpai anime teaser website
Comic Natalie
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