Aniplex has announced a brand-new original TV anime titled Virgin Punk, directed by Yasuomi Umetsu and produced by renowned animation studio SHAFT. The reveal took place during the Aniplex Online Fest, where a teaser visual and promotional video were shared for the first chapter of the series, Clockwork Girl. The first story is set to premiere in early summer 2025 in select theaters in Tokyo and Osaka.
The series follows the protagonist, Ubu, as she endures hardship and finds herself entangled in the desires and chaos of those around her. A key visual from the series includes the poignant quote, "Beaten down by repeated misfortunes, she became a mere shadow of herself."
Yasuomi Umetsu (Kite, Mezzo, Girl's High, Kiss and Cry) not only directs the series but also serves as the character designer. The series composition and script are being handled by Yūya Takahashi (Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible, Lupin III: Part IV). Additional key staff include Gen'ichirou Abe (Kizumonogatari), Shinya Takahashi (Battle Angel), and Maho Kando (Josee, the Tiger and the Fish), who are leading the animation team.
Further staff including:
Sub-Character Design: Keita Matsumoto
Mechanic Design: Niθ
Prop Design: Naoko Kouda, Shinya Nishizawa
Art Setting: Shin'ichi Yokota
Art Directors: Yūshi Honjō, Yuki Funagakure
Assistant Art Director: Mizuki Saitō
Color Design: Yasuko Watanabe
Directors of Photography: Takayuki Aizu, Rei Egami
Monitor Graphics: Capsule
3DCG: Moe, Cre-p, Dandelion Animation Studio, SHAFT
Editing: Rie Matsubara
Sound Director: Shōji Hata
Music: Yoshiaki Dewa
Distribution: Aniplex
For more details, fans can visit the official Virgin Punk website or watch the full Aniplex Online Fest stream.
© Yasuomi Umetsu, SHAFT/Aniplex
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