OK to buy immediately(Confirmation comments before purchase are not required.)
Please use it for play.
sold as a set
We recommend checking the profile before purchasingEven if you say that you did not see the items listed in the profile after purchasing without confirmation, we will not be able to respond.
Please see my profile for details on the packing method and the description of the product status here.Also, when commenting on price reductions, please do so after checking the profile.Comments that feel that the profile has not been confirmed may be ignored.(We do not guarantee price reductions for comments made after confirming your profile. Please note that in many cases price reductions are not possible.)
*The product is for basic play.Please purchase after considering all other small scratches such as white spots, scratches, dents, etc.
・Regarding products whose shipping method is ordinary mailWe will do the minimum packing according to the product, but since ordinary mail is in principle unguaranteed, we cannot deal with deterioration due to accidents during mailing.As stated in the profile, we accept changes in the shipping method from the comments, so if you are unsure, please change the shipping method from the comments.
If you are nervous about the condition, we recommend purchasing in an environment where you can pick it up and purchase it before purchasing.
콘텐츠와 광고를 개인화하고, 소셜 미디어 기능을 제공하며, 트래픽을 분석하기 위해 쿠키를 사용합니다. 또한 당사의 소셜 미디어, 광고 및 분석 파트너와 당사 사이트의 사용 정보를 공유합니다.