From the school-themed, shounen, story RPG "Blue Archive," Hasumi in her gym clothes makes an appearance. She has been brought to life in three dimensions based on the gym clothes drawn by Mx2J, implemented during the event "Get Set, GO! Kivotos Kourin Grand Festival."
It will be out this November.
Her expression, looking somewhat embarrassed, is charmingly reproduced, making it impossible to contain the excitement in one's chest... The voluminous wings are also beautifully crafted, and the meticulous detailing, from the zipper on the jersey to the binder in her hand, is a must-see! Furthermore, the exquisite craftsmanship extends to details not visible in the illustration, such as the delicate flow of hair from the back, showcasing an impressive attention to detail!
From Fury's high-quality hobby brand "F:NEX," Hasumi in her gym clothes from the school-themed, youth-oriented, story RPG "Blue Archive" has been brought to life in three dimensions.
Prototype Production: Moano
Coloring Production: Tsukuyanagi
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