In a recent announcement from Shogakukan's Weekly Shonen Sunday magazine, it was revealed that Kanehito Yamada and Tsukasa Abe's manga, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (Sōsō no Frieren), will be taking a hiatus until the magazine's 21st issue in mid-April.
Here is the synopsis according to :
The Demon King has been defeated, and the victorious hero party returns home before disbanding. The four—mage Frieren, hero Himmel, priest Heiter, and warrior Eisen—reminisce about their decade-long journey as the moment to bid each other farewell arrives. But the passing of time is different for elves, thus Frieren witnesses her companions slowly pass away one by one.
Before his death, Heiter manages to foist a young human apprentice called Fern onto Frieren. Driven by the elf's passion for collecting a myriad of magic spells, the pair embarks on a seemingly aimless journey, revisiting the places that the heroes of yore had visited. Along their travels, Frieren slowly confronts her regrets of missed opportunities to form deeper bonds with her now-deceased comrades.
Yamada and Abe debuted the ongoing manga in Shogakukan's Weekly Shonen Sunday magazine in April 2020. After a hiatus, the series resumed serialization in March 2023. Shogakukan published the first compiled volume of the manga in August 2020, with the 13th volume slated for release on April 17. Viz Media released the 10th English volume on February 20. Since the anime's debut, the manga has seen a circulation increase of 7 million copies, totaling over 17 million in circulation.
The manga has garnered numerous accolades, including the New Creator Prize at the 25th Annual Tezuka Osamu Cultural Prize in 2021 and the 14th Manga Taisho Award in the same year. It was also nominated for Best Shōnen Manga at Kodansha's 45th and 46th annual Manga Awards in 2021 and 2022 respectively. The American Library Association's Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table (GNCRT) featured the manga in its top 10 list of the 2022 Best Graphic Novels for Adults Reading List.
Source: Weekly Shonen Sunday issue 16, MyAnimeList, Frieren Official Twitter page
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