Netflix has released a trailer for the upcoming anime series "T・P BON," based on the manga "T・P BON (Time Patrol Bon)" by Fujiko F. Fujio, co-creator of Doraemon. The trailer gives a sneak peek into the time-traveling adventures of the show, featuring scenes from various historical periods such as the Bronze Age, the Middle Ages, and World War II. It also teases the anime's theme songs without revealing the titles or artists.
The first season of "T・P BON" is set to premiere globally on Netflix on May 2, followed by the second season on July 17. The series follows the story of Bon, a regular high school student who joins a team of time-traveling agents. Together, they embark on missions to save lives during pivotal moments in history across different eras and locations.
Directed by Masahiro Ando and produced by BONES, the anime features music by Michiru Oshima. The main characters are voiced by Akihisa Wakayama as Bon Namihira and Atsumi Tanezaki as Ream Stream, alongside a talented cast including Yōko Hikasa, Setsuo Ito, Mamoru Miyano, Tomoyo Kurosawa, Saho Shirasu, and Yasuyuki Kase.
Other cast members include:
Fujiko F. Fujio originally serialized the manga in Monthly Shōnen World magazine, with an anime special released in 1989. This adaptation marks the 90th anniversary of Hiroshi Fujimoto's birth, the creator behind Fujiko F. Fujio's pen name.
Source: Netflix's anime YouTube channel, Comic Natalie
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