Mobile suit ensemble 16.5
・Hi-ν Gundam
Comes with a mini book.Unassembled, newThe image is a finished image.For more information, please check the Mobile Suit Ensemble website.No capsules.Please note that there may be some bends due to capsule products.Price cuts and individual sales are not permitted.Please contact the manufacturer for initial defects.
#mobile suit ensemble#MOBILESUITENSEMBLE#ensemble#Gundam#zaku#ensemble#Gacha#Dom#unicorn#nu Gundam#Sazabi# Gundam cafe limited#Akihabara#nu Gundam#Yokohama Gundam#Odaiba#gundam cafe#superalloy#Ultimate Luminous#Ultimate Luminous Gundam#amuro#Char#gunpla#clatter#gashapon#curios#tieria#moment#Lock-on#Alleluia#double oh#00 Gundam#strike#Kira Yamato#aslan#strike
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