Shinta Harekawa, known for the popular BL manga “Senpai, This Can't Be Love!” (Sempai! Danjite Koi de wa!), is set to launch a new series titled Momose Akira no Hatsukoi Hatan-Chū (Akira Momose's First Love is in Collapse). The announcement was made in the combined 37th and 38th issue of Shogakukan's Weekly Shonen Sunday magazine on August 7. The new manga will debut in the magazine's 39th issue on August 21.
Harekawa also shared the news on their X (formerly Twitter) account on August 7, accompanied by a commemorative illustration. The upcoming series is teased as a "super misunderstanding love comedy."
Harekawa first introduced Senpai, This Can't Be Love! on Kadokawa's Comic Fleur website in July 2019, followed by a sequel titled Sempai! Danjite Koi de wa! Brush up in 2020. Kadokawa published the first volume of Senpai, This Can't Be Love! in July 2019, with Yen Press releasing the English version on June 18. The sequel's first volume was published by Kadokawa in September 2020, and the second volume in May 2023. Yen Press is scheduled to release the first volume of the sequel in English on December 10.
The popularity of Senpai, This Can't Be Love! also led to an eight-episode live-action series in 2022.
In addition to this, Harekawa launched the manga Three Exorcism Siblings (Tengu Barai no San Kyōdai) on Coamix's Web Comic Zenyon in 2021. The series concluded with its seventh volume in September 2023. Titan Comics has licensed the series, releasing the first volume in English on April 16, with the third volume set to be published on October 22.
Source: Weekly Shonen Sunday combined issue 37/38
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