The production team behind Dr. Stone: Science Future, the fourth and concluding season of the Dr. Stone anime, announced on Sunday that the season will be released in 2025, divided into three separate cours (quarter-year segments). Additionally, an art exhibit commemorating the anime's fifth anniversary will debut in Tokyo this November before traveling to Fukuoka, Osaka, and other cities.
Crunchyroll will stream the anime in North America, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, Oceania, the Middle East, and CIS regions.
The previous season, Dr. Stone: New World, aired its first cours in Japan in April 2023, concluding with 11 episodes. Crunchyroll streamed the episodes as they aired in Japan, including an English dub. The anime began airing on Toonami in June 2023. The second cours premiered in October 2023, and its U.S. premiere was featured at New York Comic Con. The final episode of the season, episode 22, aired in December 2023.
The Dr. Stone anime first hit screens in July 2019, with Crunchyroll streaming the first season as it aired and Funimation providing a dubbed version. It premiered on Toonami in August 2019. The second season, Dr. Stone: Stone Wars, debuted in January 2021, with worldwide streaming on Crunchyroll (except in Asia) and an English dub on Funimation. The anime was also added to Toonami’s lineup in May 2021. In July 2022, a one-hour special titled Dr. Stone: Ryusui was broadcast.
The original manga, created by Boichi (known for Sun-Ken Rock) and Riichirou Inagaki (author of Eyeshield 21), was serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from March 2017 until March 2022, spanning 26 volumes. Viz Media published the manga both digitally and in print, with MANGA Plus also offering digital English versions.
Sources: Dr. Stone anime's X/Twitter account, Comic Natalie
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