Japan Culture Stock (JSC)


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Conditions of use

IdeaLump Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "our company") agrees to the "Japan Culture Stock Terms of Use" (hereinafter referred to as "Terms").

This service is provided by us.

In addition to these Terms of Use, the Company may establish separate Terms of Use as necessary, and such separate terms and conditions will be integrated with these Terms of Use into a single agreement.

Therefore, members must agree to all terms before using this service. If there is a conflict between these Terms of Use and the Individual Terms, the Individual Terms shall prevail, and if there is no conflict, both the Terms of Use and the Individual Terms shall apply.

Article 1 (Membership)

"Member" means a person who agrees to these Terms, applies for membership registration via the Internet in order to use the Service operated by the Company, is approved as a member by the Company, and is given a member ID.

Members may not lend, transfer, sell, pledge, or allow a third party to use their membership.

Article 2 (Changes to Terms of Use)

We may change the Terms of Use without prior notice of consent. If this agreement is changed, all matters related to this service shall comply with the changed agreement.

If the Member (i) uses the Service after the Terms of Use have been changed or (ii) does not complete the withdrawal procedures within the period specified by the Company, the Member will be deemed to have agreed to the changes to the Terms of Use.

Article 3 (Application for Membership)

A person who wishes to become a member (hereinafter referred to as a "Membership Applicant") shall apply for membership himself/herself through the Internet.

If the membership applicant is a person with limited capacity to act, such as a minor, the membership applicant shall obtain the prior consent of the consenting right holder, such as a person with parental authority.

The membership registration procedure shall be completed when the Company accepts the application in Section 3-1. However, if the Company determines that the Membership Applicant falls under any of the following, the Company may not approve the Membership Applicant's membership or may revoke the already approved membership.

  1. If the member applicant is a person with limited capacity, such as a minor and does not have the consent of the consenting right holder, such as a person with parental authority.
  2. If the Membership Applicant has been deprived of membership due to a violation of these Terms in the past.
  3. If there is a falsehood, incompleteness or incompleteness in the contents of the membership application submitted to the Company at the time of application for membership.
  4. If the Membership Applicant has not paid to the Company.
  5. Any act by a member applicant that interferes with or is likely to interfere with, the operation of the Company, the provision of the Service, or the use of the Service by sellers (as defined in Article 9) or other third parties; if you do.
  6. In addition, when the Company determines that the Membership Applicant is inappropriate.

Article 4 (Management of member ID and password)

The member shall be responsible for managing the member ID and password that the Company assigns to the member after member registration.

Members may not allow third parties to use their member IDs and passwords, or lend, transfer, sell or pledge their member IDs and passwords to third parties.

The member shall be responsible for damage caused by insufficient management of the member ID and password, erroneous use, or use of the member ID and password by a third party, and the Company shall not assume any responsibility. increase. The use of this service by a member's member ID and password is considered to be the use by the member, and the member shall bear all responsibility for such use.

If the member ID or password becomes known to a third party, or if there is a suspicion that the member ID or password is being used by a third party, the member shall immediately report that fact to the Company and follow the instructions below. subject to the terms. If the Company suffers damage due to unauthorized use of the member's member ID and password, the member shall compensate the Company for the damage.

Members are obliged to change their passwords regularly, and the Company shall not be held responsible for any damages caused by failure to do so.

Members' member IDs and passwords shall not be reissued unless specifically approved by the Company.

Article 5 (Changes in Submission Contents, etc.)

If there is any change in the content notified to the Company at the time of membership application, the member shall immediately notify the Company using the prescribed form.

Notices from the Company sent to the member's contact address stated in the content registered with the Company shall be deemed to have reached the member on the date normally scheduled for arrival.

Article 6 (Handling of Personal Information)

The Company uses members' personal information for the following purposes.

  1. For member management.
  2. To sell or provide products, rights, digital contents, services or financial products (hereinafter referred to as "products, etc.") of the Company or third parties.
  3. To plan campaigns and prizes, and to conduct surveys.
  4. To simplify the membership registration procedure when using services that require membership registration provided by the Company.
  5. To notify (including notification by email) of matters necessary for the operation of this service.
  6. For advertising, publicity and sales of products, etc. of the Company and third parties (including notification by email).
  7. For distribution of email newsletters.
  8. For packing and shipping products, etc.
  9. For fee calculation and billing purposes.
  10. To provide points, coupons, and mileage services (hereinafter referred to as "points, etc.").
  11. To post information posted by members.
  12. To respond to various inquiries and after-sales services.
  13. For research and analysis of marketing data and development of new services.
  14. To create statistical data to be provided to business partners designated by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "business partners").
  15. Execution of duties when the Company handles personal information entrusted by other businesses, etc.

The Company uses personal information such as member ID, name, gender, email address, telephone number, postal code, address, job title, company name, nickname, pen name, date of birth, credit card information, purchase information, etc. You must do something before you go on. History for the purposes listed in Article 6-1, point information, and use history of points, etc.

We will properly protect personal information based on our privacy policy and will not provide it to third parties in a form that allows individual identification.

We nevertheless reserve the right to provide personal data in any of the following circumstances:

  1. When there is consent of the member
  2. When disclosure is required by law, when disclosure is requested as part of legal procedures such as criminal investigations, or when there is an inquiry based on a valid reason from a public institution such as a consumer affairs center or a bar association. if.
  3. When sending member order information to partners.
  4. When personal information is disclosed to a partner when a member purchases or intends to purchase products from a partner.
  5. When business partners and sellers (as defined in Article 9) request disclosure of the country to which the products purchased by the Member are to be delivered and the language selected by the Member when using the Service.
  6. When necessary for shipping products or providing services.
  7. When disclosing to business operators along with expense reimbursement.
  8. When disclosing to a partner in order to provide services such as points provided by the Company or the partner.
  9. When outsourcing all or part of our business to a third party.
  10. When disclosing personal information to the successor of the business at the time of business succession due to merger, business transfer, etc.
  11. When permitted under the Personal Information Protection Act and other laws and regulations.

The Company may use cookies when Members use the Service.

Article 7 (Member Withdrawal)

A member may withdraw from membership by following the procedures prescribed by the Company. In the event of the death of a member, the Company shall consider the member to have withdrawn at the time of death and shall suspend the use of the member ID and password.

Article 8 (Suspension of Membership and Expulsion)

In the following cases, the Company may temporarily suspend membership or expel a member without prior notice or demand.

  1. When the member illegally uses the member ID or password and this service, or causes a third party to illegally use it.
  2. When the member does not pay the fee by the prescribed date.
  3. When there is a petition for seizure, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, compulsory execution, bankruptcy or civil rehabilitation against the member, or when the member declares to that effect.
  4. When the member enters an incorrect password more than the number of times specified by the Company.
  5. When the member does not use the Service within the period specified by the Company.
  6. In addition, when the member violates the terms of use or other terms.
  7. In addition, when the Company determines that the membership has been lost.

Article 9 (Contents of Service)

This service is a service in which the Company purchases products listed by sellers, including but not limited to sellers on Internet auction sites, or products requested by members (hereinafter referred to as 'products') through mail-order sales. The Company and the operator of the electronic commerce site designated by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the 'seller') are responsible for sales on the Internet site for members ('online shopping site'), resale and delivery of products.

As stated in Clause 9-1, this service is for the Company to purchase the products requested by the member and assume no other liability. Inquiries regarding explanations of received products, complaints, warranty against defects, other claims, etc.

The member shall authorize the Company to enter into a transportation contract with the carrier designated by the Company in the name of the member, and the Company shall enter into a contract for the transportation of the product with the carrier in the name of the Company or the member, unless the Company should be liable for damages in connection with such transportation. In no event shall the Company be liable for damages, including but not limited to non-delivery, delay in delivery, and damage incurred by the Member in connection with such transportation. The Company shall not be held responsible for any Sellers who can use this service, delivery companies that can be used in conjunction with this service, types of products accepted by this service, number of delivered products, size, weight, price, delivery destination and other conditions are limited to the scope specified by our company. Members may not use the Service beyond the scope specified by the Company.

Article 10 (Purchase of Products, etc.)

Applications for proxy purchases of products, etc. by members shall be made in accordance with the method stipulated by the Company. Only members can request proxy purchases of products. The Company will purchase products on behalf of the member by the method of confirming the purchase application from the member.

After applying for proxy purchase of products, etc., the member cannot cancel the request without the consent of the Company, even if no proxy contract has been concluded. The Company shall be free to decide whether or not to accept an application from a Member. As a general rule, delivery of products between the Company and members shall be completed when the products, etc. are shipped from the Company. If there are redeemable points from the seller at the time of purchase, we will retain those points. The member bears the cost of purchasing the product on behalf of the member and the cost of delivery of the product (hereinafter collectively referred to as the 'product price'), and the Company pays the rest of the cost of the product.

Payment for the Products includes shipping charges for the Products from the Seller to us, costs associated with the purchase of the Products, including remittance charges to the Seller, Japanese taxes and customs duties at the destination applicable to the Products, and handling fees may be included. The member shall pay the fee specified in this service to the Company when purchasing products on behalf of the member. The Company may change the usage fee for the Service without prior notice. If the Company is unable to purchase the desired product due to a shortage, etc., the Company shall invoice the Member for the amount obtained by deducting the price of the product from the fee presented on the Service.

If the requested product is an auction product and the maximum bid price indicated by this service is lower than the contract price, the Company may claim the contract price or product price from the member. Members shall pay the purchase price, etc. stipulated in Article 10, Paragraph 8 by the method stipulated by the Company by the date stipulated by the Company. If the member does not pay the price of the product, etc., the member shall pay to the Company delay damages calculated at 14.6% per annum.

Members may not transfer, provide as collateral, or otherwise dispose of the rights stipulated in the contract with the Company to a third party. If the member does not pay the product price, etc. stipulated in Article 10, Paragraph 8 related to the product, etc. by the date specified by the Company, the Company may cancel the contract without prior notice.

Even if the Company cancels the contract, the Company may claim compensation for the loss caused by the member. The Company may cancel the contract without prior notice even after agreeing to the contract if any of the reasons set forth in Article 15 of the Terms of Service apply. If the Company cancels the contract after purchasing the products, etc., the Company will not refund the product price, etc. to the member. If the member refuses to receive the products, etc., the Company may, at its discretion, sell, dispose of, return, or otherwise dispose of the products, etc. received from the seller, and the member shall not raise any objections.

Article 11 (Products prohibited from using this service)

Members must not use this service for the following products:

  1. Cash, checks, bills, stock certificates and other marketable securities (including tradable gift certificates such as airline tickets and concert tickets)
  2. Cards such as credit cards and cash cards;
  3. Ordinary deposit passbooks or ordinary deposit withdrawal cards issued by financial institutions;
  4. Private correspondence or other means of communication defined as private correspondence under current law.
  5. Live animals and plants, animal carcasses, and stuffed animals.
  6. Human body or parts thereof, remains, bones, memorial tablets;
  7. Food and drink and other perishable items.
  8. Stimulants, cannabis, narcotics, psychotropics, and other prohibited substances.
  9. Firearms, swords, weapons, weapons, gunpowder, explosives, poisons, dangerous substances;
  10. Medical supplies and equipment.
  11. Child pornography, adult videos, or other obscene material.
  12. Those obtained by illegal methods or means.
  13. Items prohibited or restricted from transportation, import or export by the laws and regulations of the exporting country, state or local government, including transit countries.
  14. Products that are prohibited by law from being sold or resold by us in Japan.
  15. Intangible products such as software.
  16. Other items not permitted to be handled by the carrier's transportation agreement.
  17. Other matters that the Company deems inappropriate.

Article 12 (Product Inspection and Delivery)

The Company shall inspect the Products, etc. for the purpose of confirming the contents after the Products, etc. arrive at the Company. At that time, if we deem it necessary, we may remove or add packaging. However, the Company is not obliged to conduct the inspection, and the results of the inspection do not guarantee the quality of the product, the presence or absence of defects, the authenticity of the product, or that the product does not violate relevant laws and regulations. Laws and regulations of the country of departure, transit or destination. In addition, since the Company receives and inspects the products, etc., it is not possible to ship them directly from the seller to the member-designated location.

The Company will carry out the processing described in Article 12, Paragraph 1 based on the standards prescribed by the Company. Such processes include verification of the identity of the goods, etc. In other words, it means that there is no obvious contradiction between the product, etc. and the description of the product, etc. provided by the seller (hereinafter referred to as the "product description"). The product description contains only text produced by the seller and does not contain the output of automatic translation.

Confirmation of contents not described in the product description, confirmation that requires expert knowledge of the product such as brand authenticity, confirmation of the quantity and condition of more than 25 types of contents included in one product, disassembly and assembly of the product Verification, verification involving opening or unpacking of packages, verification of operation of home appliances, verification of contents of recording media such as CDs.

The results of such processing do not guarantee the quality, presence or absence of defects, authenticity, or non-violation of the country of origin, country of transit, or other relevant laws and regulations of the product. Country of destination, proper operation, or presence of damage.

As a result of the product inspection stipulated in Article 12-3, if an item that violates or may violate the Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds or other laws and regulations is found, the Company may report it to the police, etc. I have. We will hand over the goods to the government office.

Even if the member is found to have been defrauded as a result of verification, the Company shall not be held responsible except for acts attributable to the Company.

After the confirmation procedure is completed, the Company will carry out procedures for overseas shipment or export of products, etc. on behalf of the member. In addition, the countries that the member can select as the delivery destination are limited to addresses in Japan and the countries where delivery is possible as determined by the Company. The Company shall be able to determine, at its discretion, the shipping method, international shipping charges, shipping charges, fees, and other costs required for the delivery of products, etc., according to the weight and size of the products, etc. collected at the time of transaction. verification process. The Company shall arbitrarily designate the delivery date of the Products, etc., and the Member may not designate the delivery date.

The Company shall perform the product delivery procedures set forth in Article 12, Paragraph 6 at the member's responsibility and in accordance with the member's instructions. Therefore, we do not take any responsibility for the import/export information such as the product name, product price, product quantity, etc. written on the invoice, or the amount of customs duties incurred based on such information. Or measures such as import bans by the destination country. Members are responsible for and shall pay all customs duties and taxes imposed by the country of destination when importing goods.

The Company will estimate the delivery method, international delivery charges, and other charges related to delivery (hereinafter referred to as "delivery charges") for the delivery of products, etc., based on past results, according to the delivery conditions selected by the member. There are cases. In this case, the member agrees in advance that the shipping charges and other expenses determined by the Company based on the know-how cultivated by the Company are approximate amounts depending on the weight, size, material, and other conditions of the product, etc. will do. Subject to change. Members agree in advance that refunds will not be given even if the actual shipping fee differs from our estimate. The Company shall not be obligated to disclose the content of the cost or the existence of the cost to the member.

Members may not change the delivery address of products, etc. unless they make an application using the form prescribed by the Company.

Article 13 (Cancellation of contract due to non-delivery of goods, etc.)

When the Company receives a proxy purchase request for products, etc. from a member, the Company will purchase the products, etc. from the seller on behalf of the member. Therefore, even if this Agreement has not been concluded, the Member may not cancel the proxy purchase application for personal reasons without the consent of the Company. In addition, the Member may not cancel this Agreement after the conclusion of the Agreement without the consent of the Company.

The Company shall be able to cancel the purchase of products, etc. for members if it is found that any of the following reasons apply:

  1. When the Company is requested to cancel the sales contract by the seller of the product, etc.
  2. Unless otherwise stated in the product description or other notice in advance, if the product, etc. does not arrive from the seller within 30 days from the date of ordering to the seller. In such cases, it may take some time to deliver the product.

Article 14 (Return of goods, etc.)

As a result of the confirmation procedure stipulated in Article 12, if the Company determines that the actual product, etc. is clearly different from the product description described by the seller on the online shopping site, etc., or if Article 13, paragraph 2 In the event of any of the reasons set forth in Paragraph 1 above, the Company shall negotiate with the seller of the Product, etc. on behalf of the Member regarding the return of the Product, etc. and a refund, etc., and the Company shall refund the amount to the Member. the refund amount received by us from the seller as a result of such negotiation; However, the Company does not guarantee the results of negotiations to members.

In the event that the products, etc. are returned to the seller due to the reasons stipulated in Article 14, Paragraph 1, the member must bear the administrative expenses for returning the products, etc. and the actual expenses required for sending the products, etc.

Article 15 (Refusal to Provide this Service)

The Company may refuse to provide the Service even if the User agrees to the provision of the Service if any of the following items applies or is likely to apply.

  1. where the goods are those prescribed in Article 11;
  2. When the location of the member or the shipping address of the product cannot be confirmed.
  3. When the carrier does not carry the goods.
  4. When the goods are stopped by customs.
  5. When the member fails to pay the purchase price, etc.
  6. When it is recognized that there is an obvious error in the purchase price or other sales conditions presented by the Company or the Seller.
  7. When the Company determines that it is difficult to obtain the products, etc. for which the member has applied for proxy purchase.
  8. When the member does not pay the product price, etc. by the date designated by the Company.
  9. When the Member does not receive the Products by the date designated by the Company.
  10. When the member violates the terms of use.
  11. In addition, when there is an act that our company judges to be inappropriate.

Article 16 (Disposal of Non-Deliverable Products)

After receiving the products, etc. stipulated in Article 11, the Company may, at its discretion, sell, discard, return, or otherwise dispose of the products, etc.

If there is a reason specified in Article 15 (excluding Articles 1 and 8; the same shall apply in this Article) and the Company has already received the Products, etc., the Company shall store the Products for 45 days from the date of receipt.

If the member resolves all the situations stipulated in Article 15 within the period stipulated in Article 16, Paragraph 2, the member shall send the products, etc. to the address of the member or We shall be able to instruct you to transfer it by the method specified.

If the member does not resolve all the situations stipulated in Article 15 and wishes to dispose of the products, etc. within the period stipulated in Article 2, the Company may sell or otherwise dispose of the products, etc.

The Company shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred by the member due to the disposal of the products described in this section.

Notwithstanding the provisions of this Article, the Company may take procedures prescribed in the Civil Execution Law.

Article 17 (Change/Abolition of Service Contents)

We may change or discontinue the contents of this service at any time without notice. The Company shall not be held responsible for any disadvantage or loss incurred by the member due to such change or abolition.

Article 18 (Suspension or Cancellation of Service)

The Company may temporarily suspend or discontinue all or part of the Service without prior notice to Members in any of the following cases:

  1. When performing maintenance inspections or repairs of equipment or systems for providing this service.
  2. When it is difficult to provide this service due to fire, power outage, natural disaster, epidemic, system failure, etc.
  3. Failure to provide required services from telecommunications carriers.
  4. Other cases where the Company deems it necessary to suspend or terminate the Service.

The Company shall not be liable for any damages suffered by members due to temporary suspension or discontinuation of the provision of this service.

Article 19 (Prohibited Acts)

When using the Service, Members shall not engage in any act that falls under, or may fall under, any of the following items:

  1. Acts of using this service for illegal purposes.
  2. Acts that infringe on trademark rights, copyrights, design rights, patent rights, or other intellectual property rights, portrait rights, publicity rights, or other rights of the Company or a third party.
  3. Acts that lead to crimes such as fraud.
  4. Acts of impersonating a third party and using the Service.
  5. Unauthorized use of equipment of the Company or a third party, or acts of interfering with its operation.
  6. Acts that violate laws, regulations, terms of use, or other terms, public order, and morals.
  7. Acts that interfere with the operation of this service.
  8. Other acts that the Company deems inappropriate.

If the Company suffers any damage due to a member's violation of these Terms or other terms, the Company may claim compensation for the loss from the member.

Article 20 (Scope of responsibility of our company)

The Company does not guarantee that the products, etc. for which the Member has requested the Company to purchase on behalf of the Member can be purchased on the online shopping sites, etc.

Except for the operation of the following domains, the Company does not operate sites that members can access through advertisements or links displayed on service sites. Therefore, the Company shall not be liable for any damages suffered by members due to the use of sites other than this service site.

We do not take any responsibility for the content of information provided explicitly by parties other than our company among the information provided on this service site.

  • If a member translates information using the computer system on the service site, the company will not be held responsible for the accuracy or content of the translation.

In the event that a member suffers a loss due to reasons attributable to the Company regarding products, etc. that the member has requested the Company to purchase on behalf of the member, the Company shall only compensate for the direct loss not exceeding the amount stipulated in Article 10-8.

The Company does not guarantee that members will not suffer losses due to computer viruses or other harmful programs when using this service site.

The Company does not guarantee the operation of the equipment and software used by Members when using the Service.

The Company shall not be held responsible for any communication costs, etc., incurred by Members using the Service.

This article stipulates the Company's full responsibility to the member, and the Company shall not compensate the member for lost profits, indirect losses, special damages, attorney's fees and other losses not stipulated in this article under any circumstances.

Article 21 (Exclusion of Antisocial Forces)

The member declares that it does not fall under any of the following items as of the contract conclusion date, and promises that it will not fall under the same in the future.

  1. being an organized criminal group;
  2. being a member of an organized criminal group;
  3. Being an associate member of an organized crime group;
  4. Organized crime group members.
  5. Occupational troublemakers at shareholders' meetings, etc., corporate racketeers who call themselves social movements, or organized crime groups that specialize in intellectual crimes.
  6. A person who has a social or economic relationship with a person who falls under any of items 1 to 5 of this paragraph.
  7. Other persons who comply with the preceding items.

Members promise not to engage in any of the following acts.

  1. Acts of making violent requests.
  2. Unreasonable demands beyond legal responsibility.
  3. Acts that use fraudulentmeans or force to damage the credibility of the counterparty or interfere with business.
  4. Other acts that conform to the preceding items.

If the other member falls under any of the items of Paragraph 1, or has taken an action that falls under each item of Paragraph 1, or if it is found that the other member has made a false declaration regarding the representation and representation. If the Company makes a promise based on the provisions of paragraph 1, the Company may cancel the contract with the other party member.

Article 22 (Governing Law and Agreed Jurisdiction)

Terms of use and individual terms shall be governed by Japanese law.

In the event of any dispute regarding these Terms or individual terms, the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive jurisdictional court of first instance.

To ensure proper operational support regarding dispute management, refunds, cancellations, returns, and customer support, we are the responsible contracting party under these Terms of Use.

Enacted May 31, 2023