Japan Culture Stock (JSC)


How to order

done Add items to cart

Add the items you want from any of the shops on Japan Culture Stock. If you can’t find the item you are looking for, you can send us an item request. We will confirm its price and availability for you.

done Checkout

Proceed through the checkout process. You will make the first payment, which includes the price of the item, the local delivery fee, and a fixed 500 yen commission fee.

done Wait a couple of days

We will order your items and wait for them to be delivered to our warehouse.

done Specify shipping details

Once the items arrive at the warehouse, specify the shipping method and your address.

done Pay for shipping fee

Once the package has been weighed, you will be able to pay for the shipping fees according to the shipping method you choose. international shipping.

done Get your package delivered

We send the package to your home! Wait 1-2 weeks for the package to be delivered to your address.

Why are there two payments?

The first payment includes the price of the product plus a fixed 500 yen commission for Japan Culture Stock. The second payment includes the international shipping fee.

Why can’t I pay everything at once?

It is not possible to know in advance how much a product will weigh. Moreover, at Japan Culture Stock, we wish to provide you with a better service. The two-time payment system allows us to:

  • Regroup multiple orders in the same international package to reduce the total shipping fee.
  • Provide you with more choice and flexibility regarding the shipping method and dates.
  • Improve the quality of the package to make sure that your product arrives safely without a scratch.

Are there any hidden fees?

No hidden fees.

For a regular order you will pay: product price, commission flat rate (500yen), international delivery fee.

However please note that the following fees can be charged:

  • Storage fee: You may store your items for free for up to 30 days. Every day at 7pm, our system will check your items and charge you 50 JPY per day for each item that has already exceeded in 30 days (every 24 hours after the item arrives at our warehouse counts as one day).
  • Japan Post Handling fees: For parcels with a value greater than 200000 yen, Japan Post charges a 2800 yen fee
  • Import & custom taxes: Your shipment country of destination might apply import and customs fees depending on its mutual trade agreement with Japan. We suggest directly inquiring the competent authorities in order to preview those costs. This amount is not collected by Japan Culture Stock. All parcels are sent as “merchandise”.

I want to order something from Japan, but I did not find it on Japan Culture Stock.

No problem! You can fill out our Item Request Form and we will find and add your product for you. Any products added through the form will initially be available only to you, allowing you to place your order without any stress!

I want to order from other websites than Mercari or Rakuten.

Please fill out our Item Request Form with the details of your product, and we will contact you individually if the order is possible. As a matter of principle, we can proceed with the order as long as:

  • The product is not prohibited for international transport.
  • The shop can send your order to our warehouse.

Then, we will be able to order it for you.

The price for this item is different, why?

If the price is different on Japan Culture Stock and on the original page of the product:

  • It can because the local delivery fee is already included in the price.
  • If it is not, you can contact us. We will adjust the price manually for you if necessary! It sometimes happens as prices can change after we add the product to Japan Culture Stock.

If the price is different on Japan Culture Stock and on another page/website:

  • You can send us an Item request and we will look out for the best prices for your item!
  • We can also add the specific product page you want to Japan Culture Stock.

Why choose Japan Culture Stock?

We aim to bring the rich culture and exceptional products of Japan to the world through a seamless and efficient service. Valuing quality and communication, we ensure you enjoy the smoothest experience possible. As fans of the products we offer, we hope to share our passion with you, along with meticulous attention to detail, quality, and description writing. Please feel free to connect with us on our social networks or through our contact page. We look forward to assisting you with your next Japanese purchase!

Can you buy a product from a physical store for me?

Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to provide such a service. However, do not worry! Many products sold during events in physical stores often reappear on Mercari and other secondhand sites soon enough. So, be sure to check out Japan Culture Stock regularly for your product!

Are there any restrictions?

Yes, all products prohibited from being sent internationally are not available for purchase on Japan Culture Stock. Please make sure the product you order is not prohibited. You can check the Japan Post official list in English here:

To put simply:

  • We don't buy in offline shops.
  • We don't provide a mail-forwarding service. We ship only items you buy via Japan Culture Stock.
  • We don't buy batteries, lubricants, sprays and other Forbidden Items
  • We don't buy oversize, overweight, and overlength items.
  • We don't mark items as in the shipping documents.
  • We cannot accept requests on altering the declared name and price.

Do I need to create an account?

Yes. Through your account, you will be able to manage your orders. You can create an account here.

Any other questions?

You can check our FAQ to learn all the details about Japan Culture Stock, or contact us directly!

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